Connect raspberry pi to pc usb. And connect the keyboard & mouse to it.
normally it is just short to ground to get the computer ON. This guide highlights the improvements in hardware on the Pi Zero 2 W, how to set it up in a desktop configuration as Nov 7, 2016 · At $35, the Raspberry Pi is a fantastic little computer, but when you add in the cost of a display, mouse, and keyboard, things get a little more expe then click Connect. Be sure to plug the Micro USB cable into the USB and not the PWR slot: Install the necessary RNDIS network drivers on Windows On Linux that would be usually it. For setting up the Raspberry Pi for the first time, you’ll likely need an HDMI/AV display Nov 25, 2014 · Yes! The Pi A, A+ and Zero are special, they each support USB OTG and can connect directly to other computers via USB. Sep 17, 2022 · (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) Getting Your Best Connection between Pi and PC. 222. ( Raspberry 3B, Raspbian Light 9. Connect the serial to USB converter to the Raspberry Pi board as is shown in the circuit. And the type of cable is also very important, because they can also "tell" how much power you could get. Let the Pi boot. Best practices for revision code usage How to connect the Raspberry Pi to the laptop monitor (via HDMI) Another option to use a PC monitor for the Raspberry Pi is to plug a video capture device into the Raspberry Pi and the computer. Append line to config. 0` is pretty handy 1. Two masters can not talk to the same USB bus. g. How can I read data from the serial connection of this device using Python? Sep 11, 2022 · Learn how to connect your Raspberry Pi to a laptop using only a USB cable by configuring Gadget Mode. Use a data USB cable for that (some phone charger cabels do not have data transfer wires in them). May 29, 2024 · Necessary Hardware for Connection. Connect your screen to the first of Raspberry Pi 4’s HDMI ports, labelled HDMI0. You could connect an optional second screen in the same way. 6. Jun 9, 2017 · Step 7: Insert into Pi. I did try to connect it, but Nov 30, 2021 · A great feature of the Raspberry Pi Zero is that you can tether it to a PC, Mac or iPad Pro by connecting it directly to a USB port. On the Octoprint user interface, you should observe that a connection has been established between the printer and the Raspberry Pi. Simplified version: communication from PC to Pi to rest of system. For instance the official Raspberry Pi micro-USB transformer provides up to 2. Also connect your raspberry pi to the laptop via an ethernet cable. Plug the SD-Card to your computer then add an empty file named ssh without any format/type to the /boot partition. Plug in your wifi dongle to a USB port on the Raspberry Pi. The original Pi Zero draws little power so the USB port is able to provide enough current to power it. I haven't heard any more on the matter. Follow the first run instructions and create a username and password. Configure the Wifi¶ If desired, the Raspberry Pi’s Wifi can be configured to create a Wifi access point. If i plug my cell phone into the same USB C cable, it is immediately recognized and connected. Jul 8, 2016 · – Place the microsd to the Pi – Connect the Pi to the computer via a USB-to-microUSB cable from the USB port of the Pi – I wait couple of minutes to make sure the boot is finished – I start the Terminal – and ‘$ ssh [email protected] ‘ May 6, 2012 · I know that a USB-C port in a computer can deliver some power. Oct 24, 2017 · Connect GND and RXD to TXD and monitor output from a serial terminal on the connected computer. Jun 17, 2012 · I have a device with a USB serial port cable that I'd like to connect to my Raspberry Pi. New-style revision codes in use. Enter pi for username Oct 2, 2022 · Is it possible to give to specific USB port on the pi permission to access only a specific folder? Meaning that if I connect a USB cable to a specific port from the pi to the computer, the computer will see it as if I connected a USB flash drive? Thanks. Works fine from a Linux terminal, or PuTTY under Windows. 3. You'll interact with the Raspberry Pi using a keyboard and mouse. A standard USB A to micro B cable is all you need. I added three things to the PI O/S SD Card: 3 jumper wires (male-female) : to connect Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins and USB-Serial cable. It should then appear as a USB Ethernet device. Connect the Raspberry Pi to a monitor, keyboard and mouse. local as the address. Not when using the laptop as host and the zero as a USB slave. Then plug the Raspberry Pi supply and connect the converter to your PC. Reboot the Raspberry Pi when you are done. 168. How to install OpenCV in Raspberry Pi; Raspberry Pi vs Arduino; Best Raspberry Pi apps for Electronics Engineers; Setup of Required Things Jan 10, 2021 · Access OctoPi from your PC by connecting to https://octopi. , VNC) for graphical desktop access. It’s possible to use a USB cable to power a Raspberry Pi by plugging it into a free USB port on your computer. Raspberry Pi 5. A battery pack with a USB to micro-USB cable can also power a Raspberry Pi Pico. This battery pack provides up to 2. Recently I found a USB cable Male-Male, something like this lying around in my cables bin. The best Raspberry Pi case: it’s the one I use all the time. Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3. A decent monitor: always easier to follow the instructions when you can see what’s going on with the Raspberry Pi, not switching from your computer to the Pi all the time. Raspberry Pi revision codes. This will show how to install the OS for the raspberry pi. 4. ⬢ In this case, PrusaLink is our name for the Raspberry Pi Zero W / 2 hardware solution which enables your Original Prusa MK3/S/+ printer to be connected to your 2. Start Tera Term, connect to the serial port and change the serial port baud rate to 115200 as shown in the video. Mar 18, 2019 · Connect a normal micro USB data cable to the USB data port of the Pi0 (the one closest to HDMI). The essentials include a Raspberry Pi unit, a microSD card (8GB or higher), a laptop, a microSD card reader, an Ethernet cable or USB to TTL serial cable, and a suitable power supply for the Raspberry Pi. To assemble the case, fasten together the camera, Raspberry Pi, and 3D-printed case using M2. The Raspberry Pi’s serial port will now be usable on /dev/serial0. After that, connect raspberry pi to a network with a DHCP server that can be your modem/router. When you don’t have a switch or router at hand, you can also connect the Raspberry Pi directly to another computer (a laptop, for example). 4Ghz Wi-Fi network and be managed remotely via Prusa Connect. Connect either directly to your built in Ethernet port or via your USB Ethernet adapter. Connect your PC to your Pi. There are four main ways to connect your Raspberry Pi to your PC: Oct 5, 2016 · A USB-to-Ethernet adapter to a ethernet cable to the Pi's ethernet port (will likely require USB power still as AFAIK the Pi hasn't any Power over Ethernet capability). Go to the Device Manager and find the port number that is connected to the converter. You can join here and watch it directly if you are interested (with 20+ other lessons for Raspberry Pi and many other benefits). In fact, some models are even built with multiple USB ports. Undervoltage does not show up in vcgencmd get_throttled even with all four cores at 100% with cpuburn-a53. Google for "Raspberry Pi gadget mode". I've been trying to get it to work with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) but I haven't been fully successful yet. 5 and M2 hex nylon standoffs, nuts and bolts, as this image shows: Jan 23, 2021 · Raspberry Pi 400 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards; Software Raspberry Pi OS Raspberry Pi Connect Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac Other Android Debian FreeBSD Gentoo Linux Kernel NetBSD openSUSE Plan 9 Puppy Arch Pidora / Fedora RISCOS Ubuntu; Ye Olde Pi Shoppe Mar 13, 2023 · Prepare files on SD-Card for USB Gadget mode. It can act as a USB-Ethernet-adapter and you can ssh into the Pi. In order to connect a Raspberry Pi to a laptop, you need certain hardware components. And connect the keyboard & mouse to it. Connect the keyboard. I have seen some web pages saying it is possible for two PCs to transfer data this way, but I am unsure if this is possible between a PC and a Pi. Connect a regular wired PC (or Mac) keyboard to one of the four larger USB A sockets on a Raspberry Pi 4. "You could use a relay and bypass the power up button on your computer. If you draw too much current from USB port the voltage goes down by a significant amount, before the polyfuse kicks in. May 9, 2019 · Nope. and chuck it into your Pi Zero W. ⬢Hi there! This guide will help you get started with using PrusaLink on your MK3/S/+ printer. To connect remotely VNC-server has to be installed onto the pi by default the VNC-server is installed within the operating system, in order to view it remotely one has to download Use a cable to connect the screen to the Raspberry Pi’s HDMI port — use an adapter if necessary. All Raspberry Pi computers (save the Pi Zero) have Ethernet ports, making this the option that works best. Jun 25, 2019 · Raspberry Pi 4 has plenty of connections, making it easy to set up. Raspberry Pi 4. Step 3: Connect the printer to the Raspberry Pi. Old-style revision codes. Step 2: PC Network Setup. The next thing to do is to connect the Raspberry Pi Zero to your computer. minicom : Text-based terminal emulator on Raspberry Pi. x. # otg_mode=1. Best practices for revision code usage Jun 1, 2022 · With a charge and sync cable, connect the micro USB end to the inner most micro USB port on the Pi. You don't have to use a gigabit adapter to do this, and also the computer connecting to the Pi should just see this as a extra network connection - you would still run into the Oct 23, 2023 · Connect the micro USB cable you can use a network cable to go directly from your Pi to your computer. Connect the USB to serial adapter to the PC and then to the Raspberry PI through the Raspberry PI RS-232 adapter board (Or if the PC has a serial port, connect it to the adapter board). 2. New-style revision codes. Connect your screen to the single HDMI port. These USB connections are all 5V too which keeps things simple, but the current each board requires is where you need to pay attention (and vitally, make sure your power supply is up to the job Make sure the Raspberry Pi board is switched off, motors are not connected and the batteries are not connected. Jan 9, 2017 · Connect to Your Raspberry Pi via Ethernet The most obvious option for such a connection is via Ethernet cable. Jun 25, 2014 · Every Raspberry Pi board (at the time of writing) uses either a USB-C port (Raspberry Pi 4) or Micro-USB (all other boards, including the Pico). Oct 2, 2018 · On another Teaching Moment we will walk you through getting your Raspberry Pi connected to your computer. This isn’t the best way, as the computer won’t deliver enough current to power all of your accessories. There are several options when it comes to imaging software, a popular application known to work well with Raspberry Pi images is Etcher. LAN(Ethernet Cable) WiFi( Wireless) More on Raspberry Pi. Plug the Pi in to So, in my example: ssh pi@192. The steps to connect a Raspberry Pi to a laptop are very similar to connecting to a network router, except that you replace the network router with your laptop and probably do a bit more network configuration. Feb 6, 2016 · The PI4 is powered and booted from the USB A to USB C cable connected to a USB port on my Windows 10 PC. Dec 23, 2022 · What are the methods for connecting a Raspberry Pi to a laptop, such as USB to Serial connection, SSH connection, and Virtual Network? You can connect a Raspberry Pi to a laptop through various methods, including USB to Serial connection for terminal access, SSH for remote access, and Virtual Network (e. Step 2. However, it’s a convenient way to start it if you have nothing else available. local See Connecting a Computer to the Pi in How to set up networking/WiFi Most micro-USB transformers can provide power to your Raspberry Pi Pico in this range. Step 1: Physical Connections. 4 ) Hardware. dtoverlay=dwc2. When you are imaging your SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager you need to decide how you will connect your PC to the Pi to do the Gadget setup (you can’t connect over USB until the setup is done). local for the hostname. May 9, 2020 · Can someone describe how it might be possible to connect a raspberry pi to a PC running mac os or windows 10 via a USB cable which would allow for the computer to send commands to the raspberry pi? I am being intentionally vague about the "commands" that the raspi would receive, just curious about the options here. Connect the USB A end to your laptop. I want to send data and receive data. Then, the raspberry pi will get an IP address over the network. Then connect one end of a USB cable into the second port. To connect your USB speakers to one of these ports, simply attach the cable to the port. one that has only +5v and ground wires or, possibly, one that ties the mode sense pin to the wrong state. Dec 4, 2017 · Use the GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi Zero while running Debian Stretch on a PC or Mac with our new GPIO expander software! With this tool, you can easily access a Pi Zero’s GPIO pins from your x86 laptop without using SSH, and you can also take advantage of your x86 computer’s processing power in your physical computing projects. What you might have encountered is a charge only cable i. This program can be used to Dec 6, 2012 · Tx on Pi to Rx on the USB to serial port; Rx on Pi to Tx on tye USB to serial port; But if you have 4 ump wires laying around, you can also connect the VCC port which then allows you to also power the PI through the USB, this way you only need to plug one thing into the Pi and it starts running, which is very handy. Mar 4, 2013 · RaspPiUser42 wrote:Hi, I am just wondering if it is possible to connect a Raspberry Pi to a PC using a USB cable on both sides to transfer data, or even control the Pi. x and you can connect using the On the computer you use to remotely connect to the Raspberry Pi, use the following command to securely copy your public key to the Raspberry Pi: Copy to Clipboard $ ssh-copy-id <username>@<ip address> Mar 1, 2016 · The problem I have is that I only have one monitor which I use for my Windows PC, is it possible to connect a Raspberry Pi Zero to my PC via a USB connection and then use it like that? So like a remote desktop connection only without Internet. Mar 25, 2014 · Whereas the 2nd computer can be connected to the monitor's USB-C (which then handles USB + video), it appears that the 2nd computer (i. Apr 29, 2020 · It becomes a bit difficult to set up Raspberry pi without an HDMI display. These models alone are special and this feature does not exist on any Pi that has more than one USB data connector like the B, B+ 2B, 3B and likely not any bigger Pi in the future. Add the following to Oct 31, 2021 · Do you need to transfer data to and from a Raspberry Pi Pico, or similar RP2040-based board, connected to your computer by USB? Here’s a neat way to achieve it without any tedious mucking about with the USB stack. Turn off the Raspberry Pi, remove the SD card, and connect it to your computer. Thus wondering if I can use this cable with the Raspberry Pi 3B, to interface with the PC directly. BTW, my monitor doesn't have a USB-C port on it. Your Raspberry Pi will come with a handy USB port, which is the perfect way to connect your USB speakers to the computer. 5W or 15W from the USB C port. Using a USB Cable to Power a Raspberry Pi. These include the Raspberry Pi (surprised?), an ethernet cable, a power adapter, and an SD card. It normally blinks 3 times when the last line of the config is sent, but nothing happened when I ran the file sending code with print() while the sensor was connected over USB to the Pico. You can always use a TTL RS-232 adapter but using just one simple USB cable is much more easier and convenient. Use your network! There is NO NEED to know the IP, you can address the Pi with hostname. You could Apr 13, 2020 · Raspberry Pi 400 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards; Software Raspberry Pi OS Raspberry Pi Connect Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac Other Android Debian FreeBSD Gentoo Linux Kernel NetBSD openSUSE Plan 9 Puppy Arch Pidora / Fedora RISCOS Ubuntu; Ye Olde Pi Shoppe Sep 16, 2023 · Wanted to share that an issue I hit in SSH'ing into the Raspberry Pi Zero W over USB in Windows 10 and 11 was driver related. Using a standard USB A cord, connect the printer to the Raspberry Pi. 254. Sep 21, 2013 · However, any key press on the keyboard does turns on my PC, so I came to an idea to somehow connect the Pi with my PC either via USB-TTL cable of GPIO. If this file contains otg_mode=1, comment it out using a ‘#’. 5A of current at 5. I've run out of ideas :( And both my computers are running windows 10. There was some talk about a year ago that a model A could theoretically be modified to implement OTG and be either a master or a slave. Raspberry Pi Zero, 1, 2 and 3. Connect the other end of the micro USB cable to your main PC and the Pi0 should start to boot. Make sure your sd card is in the Raspberry Pi securely. Mar 3, 2020 · is there a way to set up raspberry through a computer? Yes. Install XRDP on Raspberry Pi OS. local. Note: you can use one computer to do both. So go into the adapter settings and turn off IPv6 addressing and set IPv4 addressing to Link-Local Only and suddenly it will connect once you disable the connection and re-enable it and now you have an IPv4 address of 169. Plug your Raspberry Pi into your PC with the Ethernet cable. 1A of current at 5V. Mar 9, 2012 · I can run a Pi Zero 2 W (or whatever it's called!) headless and powered from the USB socket of my old laptop. Known USB issues. The Pi is a USB master; the PC is a USB master. May 5, 2022 · Thanks for the reply. Universal Serial Bus (USB) Maximum power output. Dec 1, 2015 · That's it, eject the SD card from your computer, put it in your Raspberry Pi Zero and connect it via USB to your computer. Here's what I found worked: Windows 10: Presumably the first time that you plugged your pi into your laptop, it said something about installing a driver/getting the device ready. Converting the Pi4's HDMI to Display Port I imagine is easy enough with a simple converter cable, and the USB-C is then used to get the keyboard Apr 5, 2019 · If the RPi is a Zero or ZeroW you can connect it to the USB port on another computer (PC, Mac, RPi) using an ordinary USB to micro-USB cable. It won’t use the network and will exactly capture the Raspberry Pi screen at anytime (even before the system boots). ) I have tried to make it work on my computer (Ubuntu), before plugging it to my Raspberry Pi, but I had not luck so far and I am running out of ideas on how to make it work. If you look hard enough for a (passive) USB Type A (male) to Type A (male) cable, you can find them, but it's a bogus connection that will not work. Step 8: USB connection. I tried using print() but the sensor did not do anything. Note: If you want to see all these steps in action, I have a video lesson available for the community members. On Windows, find the command prompt in the main menu and type the command. I am currently doing a project with the Raspberry Pi as a controller connected to a PC via USB and using the Pi to send commands to other devices connected via GPIO pins. Next, for powering the pi connect your micro USB cable to it. You can SSH into it using raspberrypi. It keeps my Pi protected and cool, a must-have (tested here). . The biggest selling points of the Raspberry Pi Pico are Oct 16, 2023 · The DWC2 module is important for enabling USB gadget mode, allowing the Raspberry Pi to act as a USB device, such as an Ethernet adapter, when connected to another computer via USB. Apart from a couple of questions on the Raspberry Pi Forum, there’s not much in the… Nov 21, 2014 · I just purchased the RFIDRW-E-USB RFID reader from Priority 1 Design (see this page, datasheet available in PDF form. We go through a USB to Serial connection, an SSH connection, and through Virtual Connect your camera to your Raspberry Pi with the ribbon cable (see here for how to do this). While the Pi Zero can easily be configured as a USB Gadget, it's power requirements are minimal and it can run off a PC USB port. A USB drive (8GB or more) A computer to create the USB drive installer; A computer to install Raspberry Pi Desktop on. Dec 20, 2018 · Since USB is a master-slave(s) interface & protocol, you cannot simply connect two Raspberry PI 1/2/3 boards together using USB, because that would be a master-to-master connection. Feb 24, 2021 · Raspberry Pi 400 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards; Software Raspberry Pi OS Raspberry Pi Connect Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac Other Android Debian FreeBSD Gentoo Linux Kernel NetBSD openSUSE Plan 9 Puppy Arch Pidora / Fedora RISCOS Ubuntu; Ye Olde Pi Shoppe I just got a new raspberry pi 4 but don't have any micro HDMi cords to connect it to a monitor, I'm wondering if it is possible to use the USB-C port on the RPi4 to connect to my PC and then view the RPi4 on my PC, if that makes sense. com/access-raspberry-pi-remote Sep 6, 2016 · Raspberry Pi 400 Raspberry Pi Pico General SDK MicroPython Other RP2040 boards; Software Raspberry Pi OS Raspberry Pi Connect Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac Other Android Debian FreeBSD Gentoo Linux Kernel NetBSD openSUSE Plan 9 Puppy Arch Pidora / Fedora RISCOS Ubuntu; Ye Olde Pi Shoppe On the computer you use to remotely connect to the Raspberry Pi, use the following command to securely copy your public key to the Raspberry Pi: Copy to Clipboard $ ssh-copy-id <username>@<ip address> Have you tried connecting Raspberry Pi to your PC using USB to TTL Cable (Console Cable) ? The great advantage of using the console cable with the Pi is that it can even supply the power for your Pi and you do not need keyboard, mouse or display attached to the Pi to log into it. Because the model B has the ethernet chip on it, it is fixed in master mode. If you’re on Linux (or under X on any system I suppose), then `sudo apt-get install x2x` on the pi followed by `ssh -XC [email protected] x2x -north -to :0. Sep 21, 2022 · Insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi. e. 3. I want to connect my raspberry pi directly to my computer using the serial port. Either ports can power the Pi Zero, but only this one has direct access to the USB port on the Pi’s CPU. The latest entry into the immensely popular Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer (SBC) catalog, the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, provides an upgraded drop-in replacement to the Pi Zero W powered by a quad-core 64-bit Arm Cortex-A53 CPU. Connecting can be done in different methods, I will list them below. Connect your ethernet cable to your computer and to the Raspberry Pi. https://www. Connect an Ethernet cable if you plan to use wired Internet. So we’ll need to configure our static settings on the PC side to begin Jun 30, 2022 · The Raspberry Pi Pico is a radical change from previous Pis, because it’s not a Linux computer, but a a microcontroller board like Arduino. This is the final step in this process. I have an old usb prolific cable that has 3 wires GND RX TX is is suitable to Jul 15, 2024 · A Raspberry Pi CM4 (heavily, heavily out of stock) A Raspberry Pi CM4 Carrier Board (recommending the official I/O board to start) An HDMI cable; A Micro USB Cable; An SD Card (for those without eMMC memory) Ethernet; A USB Mouse or Keyboard; A 12V DC plug; Jumper cables or jumper connector My current guess is to connect the USB end of the USB-Ethernet adapter to one of the Raspberry Pi ports, connect a Cat 6 Ethernet cable to it and on the other end, connect the other end of the Ethernet-USB adapter and then connect that to the USB port of the computer. " Since laptop/PC USB ports are not suited to provide higher amperage, a better solution would be to use powered USB hub, or USBv3 high power port if you have one available on your PC. Connect from your laptop using raspberrypi. 1V. thequantizer. Nov 2, 2022 · Connect the Raspberry Pi to the Ender 3. Mar 27, 2019 · The raspberry pi still works fine, I connected it to a monitor with a mini hdmi cable and i've connected a mouse/keyboard so the usb and power port still work. . Jul 22, 2018 · Trying to use USB is possible, but overly complex. Aug 11, 2023 · You can also use third-party imaging software to write the Raspberry Pi OS image to a microSD card. Follow the steps below to start the Raspberry Pi UART communication: Step 1. Using revision codes for board identification. Aug 19, 2017 · I have figured it out! For anyone with my issue, for some reason the ubuntu pc isn't figuring out it isn't gonna get an ipv4 ip. The chipset for this USB to serial cable it the PL-2303 from Prolific Technology, Inc. See the official RPi documentation for details. Jan 22, 2018 · I'm an inexperienced RasPi-er just learning about the platform. It will take up to 90s to boot up (shorter on subsequent boots). But the laptop that I have there is a setting in the bios to get 7. my Pi4) can also be connected to the Display Port and USB-C. Put your Raspberry Pi and the connected camera into your case. After setting up your SD Card, insert it into the raspberry pi. The Pi 4B, on the other hand, is a lot more power hungry and may draw significantly more power than a typical PC USB port can deliver. It will ask for your password and give you remote access to your Raspberry Pi terminal: Equipment Needed To Connect A Raspberry Pi To A Laptop To connect a Raspberry Pi to your laptop, there are several things you’re probably going to need. You can use any of the other three methods listed in the intro document , but Ethernet is recommended. Just make sure that you have Bonjour installed on your PC and SSH enabled on the Pi (see Apr 19, 2013 · If you have the Raspberry Pi connected to its own monitor but want to share mouse and keyboard between your computer and the Pi, it’s also worth looking at synergy. In order to access the desktop of the pi, you can either connect a micro to HDMI connector from the pi to a monitor or you can access it remotely on your PC/laptop. Plug in the USB cable to the Raspberry Pi and the micro USB into the Ender 3’s port. Do not connect anything to the power port (the one closest to the outer edge). Oct 5, 2021 · Without a DHCP server, the Pi won’t know what IP Address to use. txt. Power on the Raspberry Pi. Connect the Raspberry Mar 9, 2012 · The problem will be powering the Pi4 when it's connected to a PC USB port. Logout and disconnect the Raspberry Pi from the power supply. This will allow other clients to connect to the RPi and stream telemetry. However, I am not sure if this would work or how to proceed after that is done. Feb 26, 2018 · The Raspberry Pi Zero, Zero W, A and Raspberry Pi A+ are great cheap little devices, but connecting to them without any screen and keyboard can be a bit of a pain. Also, terminal emulator programs are used both on Raspberry Pi and PC to send/receive data. ylxmmdqsqjkgkhlutmba